Pulaski Heights Christian Church

(501) 663-8149
4724 Hillcrest Ave.
Little Rock, AR  72205


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Wedding/Committment Ceremony Policy

Policies for Use of Building

Marriage is a union of two individuals in a covenant relationship with God.  All Wedding/Commitment Ceremonies performed at Pulaski Heights Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) should be considered a worship experience.


The minister conducting the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony will be licensed, as required by the State of Arkansas, and recognized as a minister of the Gospel.  It is the responsibility of the PHCC minister to determine eligibility of any guest minister.  It is expected that the officiating minister will wear clerical robes and stoles as determined in conjunction with the bride and groom.  Ministers from traditions which do not customarily wear clerical robes will be an exception to this requirement.   

It is hoped that all ministers utilizing the pulpit of PHCC will be of kindred spirit and in agreement of the mission of PHCC.


PHCC will schedule Wedding/Commitment Ceremonies at times which will not interfere with regular worship services or other regularly scheduled events.  Dates will be confirmed upon receipt of the signed contract attached to this document and the appropriate deposit.

Wedding/Commitment Ceremonies held on holidays, and holiday eves are not encouraged, neither are Wedding/Commitment Ceremonies requiring rehearsal or decoration on Sunday.  In either of these cases, the contracting couple will be responsible for cleaning the sanctuary in preparation for worship service.  Rehearsals will be scheduled the evening before the date of the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony, at the discretion of the minister.

Church members will have priority in Wedding/Commitment Ceremony dates and times.


Every couple will have at least one in-person visit with the PHCC minister, if he/she is officiating, at which time the components of the ritual will be identified, and details sufficient for the minister to prepare for your event will be discussed. 


A Wedding/Commitment Ceremony involving only the bride, groom, minister and appropriate witnesses does not require a rehearsal.


A Wedding/Commitment Ceremony involving bridal attendants, groomsmen, ushers, musicians, and decorations requires a rehearsal.

Our library is provided for the bride to prepare herself prior to the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony.  There is a full-length mirror available, and bathrooms are across the hall.

Groom and party may use the nursery room or Prayer Chapel to gather and prepare for the ceremony.


The components of your Wedding/Commitment Ceremony should be thoughtfully selected.  They will include the following: Statement of Purpose, Prayer, Covenants with Wedding/Commitment Ceremony couple and congregation, Vows, Exchange of Rings, Pronouncement, and Sending Forth.

The following components are optional: Unity Candle, Children's Covenant, and Communion.


All participants in a formal Wedding/Commitment Ceremony must participate in the rehearsal.  If the bride and groom opt to write their own vows, they should be completed prior to the rehearsal and not changed.  Plans for the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony, in all details, may not be changed after the rehearsal.  Wedding/Commitment Ceremonies will take place as rehearsed.

The Rehearsal, although not a worship experience, is preparation for the worship of the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony. The Wedding/Commitment Ceremony party should be chosen with regard to availability and willingness to participate at the rehearsal.  Intoxication of any participant shall be grounds for dismissal of that person from the rehearsal and the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony.


Music in a church Wedding/Commitment Ceremony is to glorify God.  Please use appropriate contemporary or traditional music for your Wedding/Commitment Ceremony service. Visiting musicians are permitted use of piano only.  They must meet, prior to rehearsal and Wedding/Commitment Ceremony with the musician of PHCC to discuss use of microphones, speakers, etc.


 A church Wedding/Commitment Ceremony is a religious ceremony.  Decorations should be selected to enhance the beauty of the sanctuary.

Candles must have protective covering underneath, be dripless, and be supplied by you.  Decorations may not be tacked, wired, or glued to the walls, pews, or other parts of the church. 

You will be held responsible for damage incurred by florist, rental firms or others acting on your behalf.  All decorations must be removed promptly, except floral arrangements, which may be given to the church for worship services.

White paraments (altar cloths) are appropriate for all Wedding/Commitment Ceremonies, and are encouraged.  However, other seasonally appropriate paraments may be used.  The communion table, its cross, or candles may not be removed.  The communion table is not to be used for any other purpose.  Candelabra and floral arrangements on stands must be arranged in a manner to highlight the communion table, not to obscure it, nor be placed upon it.

Candelabra, kneeling bench, aisle runners, etc. may be obtained from your florist.  Please schedule their delivery and pickup during office hours.   


  Pictures of your Wedding/Commitment Ceremony will be a treasure of captured memories for many years.  We ask that you observe the following:

No pictures utilizing flashbulbs are to be taken in the sanctuary after the seating of the first guest until after the recessional.

Pictures may be taken from the Entry Hall.  Video cameras may be placed on stationary tripods in the back of the sanctuary or behind the pulpit at a level to conceal it from all guests.



Reservations for the use of Hunter Hall and kitchen are to be made through the church office.  You may do so by calling us at 663-8149.  Caterers must make arrangements with the office for use of any equipment or furniture belonging to the church.

PHCC is a smoke-free building.

Please do not throw rice to send off the new couple.  Bird seed may be substituted but must be swept off sidewalks as part of clean up.  Wedding/Commitment Ceremony bubbles have also become very popular and are appropriate for outside use only.  Please do not use rose petals, as they will stain floors, carpets, and sidewalks.  Please check with the church first if you plan to use something not listed here. 

You are asked to please place any garbage in the trash containers near the side door and return the hall and kitchen to their original condition.


Any cost for damages done by the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony party, those contracted to serve in any way, or invited guests shall be borne by the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony couple.  The church assumes no responsibility for clothing, jewelry, money or other items left at the church at any time. 


 Having read the Guidelines for Wedding/Commitment Ceremonies at Pulaski Heights Christian Church, we agree to participate with this congregation in maintaining these guidelines.  We take responsibility for others who will be a part of our Wedding/Commitment Ceremony, the events leading to it, and those activities that immediately follow the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony.

 ______________________________________     _______________________________ 
                            Bride                                                                     Groom

Date of Wedding/Commitment Ceremony _________________________

Time ____________

Total Number of Invited Guests ____________________ 
Total in Wedding/Commitment Ceremony Party ________________

Church Sound System Needed?  Yes ___ No ___
Fellowship Hall & Kitchen Needed? Yes ___ No ___

Bride's phone _____________________    Groom's phone _____________________

As the bride and groom we would like our Wedding/Commitment Ceremony to be conducted by 


___________________________, a minister licensed in the state of Arkansas and recognized


by the ___________________________________________ as a minister of the Gospel.

Our address and telephone number after the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony will be:


 __________________________________ and _____________________________
            Bride's Signature                                             Groom's Signature

 I agree to plan and perform the Wedding/Commitment Ceremony of

 __________________________________ and ________________________________

and to do what I can on behalf of Pulaski Heights Christian Church to enable them to begin married life with all the blessings of Christ's church that I have to bestow by advice, counsel and prayer.

_________________________________         __________________________
               Minister Officiating                                                   Date

The above minister of the Gospel has my approval to perform this ceremony.

    PHCC Minister (if not officiating)                                                                           rev. 5/08


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