Pulaski Heights Christian Church

(501) 663-8149
4724 Hillcrest Ave.
Little Rock, AR  72205


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About Our Church
  •  Above all, love each other deeply. because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
    (1 Peter 4:8-9)

       We believe that the love of Christ is what unites us.  For 92 years, Pulaski Heights Christian Church has been a faithful voice that speaks the truth in love.  We strive to be a faithful, compassionate, and most of all a loving community. Grace, Humility, radical Hospitality, and Justice are some of our core values, as this is how Christ lived -- and we are followers of Christ.

       This warm, hospitable community of faith has spoken out against injustice in its many forms especially racism and sexism.  The spirit of PHCC is a spirit of love.  We welcome everyone. It doesn’t matter what your gender is, your sexual orientation, your race, even your political affiliation!  Wherever you are in your walk with God, You are welcome here!

    We follow this Affirmation of Faith:

    "We believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, son of the living God. We believe all who accept our Lord are to follow him as conscience would lead. We believe that apart from this Good Confession, there should be no test of fellowship between Disciples of Christ."

       Not one of us at PHCC is perfect.  We know that we need God, and so we gather together in this need for God, to have our lives transformed by the love, peace and power of Christ.  We welcome anyone to join us on this journey with Christ.   We strive to use our passion individually, and collectively as the body of Christ, to create a  more loving, more compassionate and more just community.

    We have never been a large church in numbers, but we have a big history, and a bigger future!


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