Pulaski Heights Christian Church

(501) 663-8149
4724 Hillcrest Ave.
Little Rock, AR  72205


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See What We've Been up To
2010 Chautauqua Institution
Rev. Holly Patton was invited to attend the Chautauqua Institution for 2010. A handful of ministers are chosen from all across the nation for each year's event. Our church is proud of Holly for becoming honored in this way. We look forward to the upcoming months as she shares with us what she learned from the experience. Four images from the 2-week event follow...

Easter Sunday Worship 2010
We had a good many members and visitors present to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 4, 2010. Thanks to Blake and Jean for taking extra shots. Our sanctuary was filled with people, whose hearts were filled with joy and praise. We began worship with special music by Don and Anne Pierce's grandson, Alex Summerlin. The usual seven-member ensemble led the congregation in singing those songs we get to sing only one day of the year.

Palm Sunday 2010 - with Potluck
On Palm Sunday we had many guests. They all stayed after worship to enjoy the variety of foods offered by our congregational cooks in a fantastic Potluck Fellowship meal. Photos follow.

Rev. Holly Patton in Belize
In February, 2010, Reverend Patton traveled to Belize in Eastern Middle America, near the Yucatan Peninsula. For two weeks she lived among the residents, and taught the students at a rural school. She was surprised and pleased to learn that the students all knew by heart many of the prayers from The Book of Common Prayer! She taught them and learned from them. Here are a few photos from that trip.

2010 Lenten Service at PHCC
During Lent each year many churches in the Hillcrest area participate in the Hillcrest Lenten Series. When it was PHCC's turn, our cameras swept the building to capture images so that we could remember the grand and spiritual time all had that day.

The Brian Kinder Concert
Local musician Brian Kinder and wife Terri performed at PHCC on December 9, 2009. They brought original music designed to bring joy to a kid's heart, and guaranteed to make us older folks remember just how it felt to be a kid. Curious? Learn more at Kindersongs online.
We have 15 photos from that night to share with you...

2009 Christmas Day Backpack Distribution
The challenge went out in November 2009...could the congregation fill backpacks with things needed by those without shelter? However many could be filled, Pastor Holly and others would give to homeless people as Christmas Gifts. We selected the contents ourselves. Families and individuals filled backpacks, and hoped that all would be useful to those who received them. On Christmas Morning, Holly and three others sought out recipients. Over 40 backpacks were filled and delivered. Many more could have been used, if we had had them!

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